This is Fukuda of the TAILORS WORLD editorial department.

EXCY FORMAL offers made-to-order, custom-made, and OEM men’s formal accessories, and the most frequently requested items are bow ties and pocket square.

We receive many requests for bow ties only, pocket square only, as well as requests for bow ties and pocket square in the same fabric and pattern.

This time, we would like to show you how to order pocket square, which boast the first and second largest number of orders for special orders.

To order a pocket square, simply specify the finished size in height and width.
For example, 30cm x 30cm or 45cm x 45cm.

The edges can be finished by either three-roll stitching or machine stitching.
The end of the edge varies depending on the craftsman, and we usually sew with the one that is available.
If there is enough time for delivery, you can choose the one you prefer.

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The minimum length of fabric required is 2 cm each on the top, bottom, left and right sides of the size you specify (the finished size).
A minimum seam allowance of 1 cm each is required for the top, bottom, left and right sides.
If the seam allowance is too tight, it may not be possible to remove the fabric if the fabric or the grain of the fabric is crooked, so we would appreciate it if you could give us a little extra room.

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The reason why we receive many requests for pocket square is because it is easy to order and can be made from fabrics, linings, and shirt fabrics after suits are made.
It is also good for the environment to be able to use leftover fabric without wasting it.
We think that customers who have suits made will be very happy to receive a symbiote pocket square as a gift.

It is very easy to order, so we hope you will give it a try.

If you are looking for other ready-made pocket squares, please click here to view them.
Global Apparel Sourcing ApparelX

Click here to view our special order pocket squares.
Pocket Square Processing

In addition, if you are a corporation and would like to request an OEM/ODM for formal accessories, a separate estimate for a large order, or a sales representative to contact you, please feel free to contact us from here.↓↓↓

B to B apparel materials as we mentioned above. ↓↓↓